The Legacy of Parenthood


Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6


In Proverbs 22:6, King Solomon urged parents to "train up" their children for a special purpose. In Numbers 7:10, the same Hebrew word is used to describe the dedication of the alter for use in sacrifice; in I Kings 8:63, it is used to refer to the dedication of the first temple for use in worship; and in Nehemiah 12:27, it refers to the dedication of the rebuilt wall for use in protection from outside corruption. In each case, a special sense of joy and consecration marked the dedication as a special event.

Parents, you have a special cause for dedication as well: your children. Spiritually, our children do not belong to us, but to God who entrusts to us the responsibility of raising them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Your children have not come to you as a blank slate. God in His wisdom has gifted them with talents and abilities unique to them. Help them discern the "way in which they should go." Then train them up to fulfill the special purpose for which they have been designed by God.

Stewardship is the rightful management of that which God provides. The legacy you leave in dedicating them to serve the Lord will provide them lifelong guidance and ultimately bring glory to the Savior.