Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does the name "Eternal Vision" mean?

Answer: Eternal Vision is a unique ministry that combines teaching, preaching, and personal discipleship of Christians in the area of Biblical stewardship with the building of ministry endowments that provide permanent financial assistance for Christian schools and other ministries. The name "Eternal Vision" signifies our focus on helping Christians lay up Heavenly treasure as they prepare for the day when they will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and receive eternal rewards for their service and stewardship. Our name also reflects the extended impact endowment giving continues to provide long after the lifetime of an individual donor. Because our Vision Endowments are secured by an assured promise to maintain Biblical standards, donations are guaranteed to have a significant impact for Bible-right ministry causes until the Lord's return.

For more information about Eternal Vision, see "About Eternal Vision."

Question: How does the ministry of Eternal Vision stay true to the mission in perpetuity?

Answer: We have organized a Board of Directors and an Educational Advisory Committee with diversity vocationally, geographically, and politically. Decision-making power and confirmation power exist in both levels to insure no single group or individual could change the direction of the organization. Members have local church membership and personal testimony requirements in order to maintain good standing on the board. These standards include agreement in doctrine and philosophy.

Question: What is Eternal Vision?

Answer: Eternal Vision is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit ministry organization that has been created to teach Biblical stewardship and to support, promote, and preserve Christian education. It is incorporated in Wisconsin. It has applied for federal tax-exempt status.