Why Christian Education?

In our extensive travels around the country visiting with pastors and Christian school leaders, we frequently encounter programs that stand-out as premier examples of ministries that are "getting it right."  When leadership strikes a proper balance between wise stewardship of current resources, vision for the future, and a passion for quality improvement, God's blessings become evident is a remarkable way.

Has the modern Christian education movement lost the message?  With enrollment numbers shrinking across the country, Christian schools are beginning to realize the consequences of failing to educate parents and church members as to why a Christian school education is so important.

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Are You A Beggar Or A Blessing?

Is there not a cause?In some recent articles on our website, we have focused on Christian education and some of its difficulties and dilemmas. It is undeniable that there are many young families who cannot afford these days the tuition to put their children in a Christian school. It has been my experience that many pastors are reluctant to share these needs with the congregation because they view the very mention of needs like this as "begging."

This article presents a Biblical challenge to ministry leaders to diligently work to discover financial needs within the congregation and regularly bring those needs to the attention of others as an opportunity to be a blessing.

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Are You Fishing Your Own Ponds?

Fishing your own pondA number of years ago I heard an evangelist preaching a message on personal evangelism and he made a statement to a group of pastors that made a lot of sense. As he contrasted the various programs and opportunities in a local church to be involved in personal evangelism, he mentioned that we ought to spend a significant amount of time and effort "fishing our own ponds." There are probably a good number of things your can do to market your Christian school in your community, but what about "fishing your own ponds?" You know there are families in your church and school constituency who do not have their children in your Christian school. You may or may not know the reason why. Aren't these folks the ‘primest of prime' candidates for your Christian school?

This article provides several practical suggestions to ministry leaders for promoting the cause of Christian education and attendance at the Christian school.

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Will We Just Stand Here and Watch Her Die?

by Dr. Mike Duffy

Will We Just Stand Here and Watch Her Die?The modern Christian school movement is in serious trouble. The voices of concern and solution seem to be few and far between. Can a generation of leaders who have been trusted with carrying the banner of this noble cause just stand there and watch the Christian school movement die?

We must never forget that there is an incredible war raging all around us for the minds of men and women, boys and girls. And I am sad to say that we are losing many of the individual battles in this war, even in our churches and Christian schools!

Will history record that the modern Christian school movement was merely a 20th century passing fancy or a trendy fad for a small religious sect that lasted only one generation? My heart in writing this article is not to be critical, but rather to raise a voice in the hopes that you will hear and take courage to act.

I have concluded that as a ministry leader I cannot be neutral about this issue. You cannot be neutral on this issue either! Are you going to just stand there and watch her die?

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Pitfalls of Tuition Dependence

In most Christian schools, a dangerous condition exists. Because we intentionally maintain low teacher-student ratios, the ministry is "labor intensive" but not "revenue intensive!"

tuitionOur extensive work with the pilot schools in our program has revealed that the condition of tuition dependence exists universally in Christian education. On average, the pilot schools in our program generate more than 86% of the schools' total income through tuition and fees. While most school ministries are supported by some limited fundraising efforts, a modest church contribution, and other miscellaneous income sources, the conclusion is undeniable that tuition provides the crucial measure of support for the ongoing operations of the ministry.

personnelNow consider where those dollars are going. Right at 90% of our pilot schools' operating budgets are devoted to paying personnel expenses!

What happens to the budget if the school suffers a 10% decrease in enrollment?

The inevitable conclusion is that cut-backs must be made, and most likely those cut-backs will take the form of lay-offs of school staff where the bulk of the money is being spent.

The good news is, there is a solution to the problem of tuition dependency!

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